da Roberto Vecchione | Feb 1, 2024 | News
The 2nd International Meeting of EU co-funded project eYOUAca took place in Barcelona, Spain in the last two days of January. All of the project partners had a chance to meet each other in person for two meeting days with an extensive agenda to get updated on the... da Roberto Vecchione | Dic 15, 2022 | News
With an kick-off online meeting the latest EU-co-funded project started yesterday. Coordinated by CSIT, the project includes a total of eight partners from all over Europe. The CSIT Members AiCS (Italy), TUL (Finland), UCEC (Spain), KALEV (Estonia) and HLA... da Roberto Vecchione | Dic 15, 2022 | News
eYOUAca is the latest version of the project series of the Youth Academy for grassroots sport which already featured YOUAca, YOUAca 2.0 and YOULead. The current project has the objective of developing an innovative e-learning academy addressed to 75 young... da Roberto Vecchione | Nov 12, 2022 | News
Youth policy, global sustainability and gender equality are the keys to restructuring the grassroots sport sector The new CSIT EU project eYOUAca for the training of young sports managers was another focal point at the Congress. The Young Leaders projects are...